Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Every teenager does it, complains about there parents being to strict or them having to many chores! But this teenager decided to post it on facebook Her dad named Tommy Jordan had a very strange way of dealing with it, he took a video of himself shooting her laptop! The video has had twenty six million hits on youtube! I think that Tommy was overreacting majorly and instead of responding like that he could have just talked to his daughter and worked it out!

Monday In The Duvet

Recently in the newspaper an article about Mondays was my favourite!!!

This is how it goes:   The goverment and thinking about making every Waitangi and Anzac day a day off every Monday so that we get a Monday off school. Right now the holiday is on whatever day it falls on.
I think they should do it so that we can all get a three day holiday!!!! YAY (:

Please comment if you do you are amazing!!!!!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Swimming Sports

What a fantastic way to start a year of sporting events. Martyn House winning the Swimming Sports. It was a fantastic day and awesome to see so many of our Year 7 and 8 students participating with gusto. Big ups to so many from 78AW who won numerous points for thier houses...Tyla, Kelsey, Tiarna, Briarlee, Qiana, Rivay, Matthew, Jack, Cayden, Zhane, Blake woo hoo you all rock!

Term 1 Skaters

Week 6

Week 5

Character Descriptions

The Learner

Personal Bank Account (PBA)