
Follow this link to complete your persuasion map. Save and print and use as you plan for your argument.

Persuasion Map

During term 1 we have been exploring the many features of a narrative. There are some tools that we now have and we should be thinking about how to use these... Your challenge is to build a story together that may never end but will engage the readers and will make you want to write on.!! Use this page to create and grow a 2012 class story...

Cell phones in school?

Comic Creator

(Use this link to help plan and write stories through the comic genre.)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome blog 7/8 aw Loved the skating - will show my class tomorrow!You will be year 3 and 4's heroes...
    Mrs Spencer


Term 1 Skaters

Week 6

Week 5

Character Descriptions

The Learner

Personal Bank Account (PBA)