NO WAY! That’s what I think of this matter. I think it would be a big mistake as it would mean we would have to have 2 times the classrooms.
If we had single sex classrooms we would have to spend heaps on new supplies and more classrooms. In the girls classrooms the girls would be really catty and people wouldn’t get on with their work. They would be even more silly than they are now.
Also the school would have to employ lady teachers for the girls classes and men teachers for the boys classes.
Another really important life skill is to learn how to work with boys and girls when you go to work you might have to work with men and woman so I think it’s important to have boys and girls in the class.
I think we shouldn’t have single sex classrooms because it balances out the class having boys and girls
amazing work kelsey i think that is a very good point i agree with you.